20 sichere Tipps eine Zeitung zugrunde zu richten

Juan Antonio Giner, vice president of the Innovation consulting group, presents to WAN his list of 20 ways to kill a newspaper, writes Stephen Brook.

(Gilt übrigens auch für jedes andere Medium)

1. be dull and boring
2. change slowly
3. print yesterday’s news
4. don’t take risks
5. expect different results by doing things the same way
6. insult your readers
7. lie to advertisers
8. please politicians
9. cover buildings not people
10. don’t interact with audience
11. print badly
12. print poor colour
13. write long
14. don’t care about design
15. don’t care about talent
16. don’t sack bad managers
17. pay badly
18. don’t innovate
19. milk the cash cow
20. expect miracles

Danke an Martina Wingenfeld für die Liste.

Eine Antwort to “20 sichere Tipps eine Zeitung zugrunde zu richten”

  1. john yoo Says:

    thank you stationery

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